FootPrints left from around the world

Thursday, September 3, 2009

ND fail?

i like to do a little bit of everything on my blog.. but it seems like i'm posting more and more on nails. guess i'm more of an expert in nails than i am with makeup. no worries. i'll be posting up more makeup looks, my shopping goodies and hair related posts. i'm just trying to get back after being away so long. i'm still trying to get it together.

so here i did a little experiment. i need to practice more in order to make it perfect. i'm wondering if this looks tacky (don't judge - these are first attempt photos).
when i say tacky i meant as in once i get it perfect would it look tacky? i'm thinking it's more about getting the right color combinations and blending as much as i can.

fail? should i continue to try and make it right? anyways, here are my three different color combos.
(REMEMBER - this was just an experiment)


Tammy said...

I really like the black & white one!!
I've missed you!! Glad to have you back. =)

Status Mode said...

I also love the black and white one!! Definitely NOT a fail!

Anonymous said...

the black and white is cute :) nice blog!

About Me

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..I'm 28 years young, though I look mighty younger. I'm shy at first but fades after some time. Having a sense of humor is key. Don't have one, get one. You'll need it with me. I'm very interested in fashion and everything that has to do with it. I'm passionate about music! Just living it up day by day, cause tomorrow is never promised. I'm not affraid to say or show how I feel. I am human! DUH! Though I am careful in expressing them, people still tend to find offense either way so really I don't worry much anyways. We all have likes, dislikes and opinions. Take it or leave it.