FootPrints left from around the world

Monday, March 23, 2009

Hair Style 1 (attempt #1)

my attempt to do an updo... calling it hair style one attempt number one.
sorry for the camera quality but comes to show, the more i practice, the better the do will turn out to be as well as a better picture.

i will attempt this again soon. =)

1 comment:

Sonya said...

That is so cute!!!! I want to do that to my hair!! How long did it take to do??

About Me

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..I'm 28 years young, though I look mighty younger. I'm shy at first but fades after some time. Having a sense of humor is key. Don't have one, get one. You'll need it with me. I'm very interested in fashion and everything that has to do with it. I'm passionate about music! Just living it up day by day, cause tomorrow is never promised. I'm not affraid to say or show how I feel. I am human! DUH! Though I am careful in expressing them, people still tend to find offense either way so really I don't worry much anyways. We all have likes, dislikes and opinions. Take it or leave it.