FootPrints left from around the world

Monday, February 1, 2010

an Ode to a fly mama

some extra recognition on top of appreciation as well as a thank you.
i have to give this special shoutout to L aka ladylonline. got to put her name out there cause i don't want some folks to miss out on getting to know a wonderful gal and tag along on her online journey. if y'all don't know who she is, please click on the following picture to visit her blog..
this gorgeous gal is amazingly talented and crafty. i think her and i have some great things in common as far as art/music..etc.. but wow! woman can paint! that's one talent i don't fully own and i have to say i have respect for her. :)
i'm proud to say i'm a new owner of L's art work. :) i wanted to share with y'all..

please excuse my photos. used iphone.. :/
packaging was so cute. i mean the tape says sweety. that's the closest to sweet lisi? lol

here it is.. the art. :)
it's the first thing i see when i wake up and the last when i go to sleep.
my room totally needed some art. i'm certain this isn't going to be the last time i get my hands on her art work. :)
i'd be a fool if i didn't own another when opportunity comes again.

..a small piece of L .. as in LoVe..
thank you L for sending me a lil something my way.
these two items are a def must .. valuable essentials needed in Lisi's life.
too cute for words and that lip care is amazing!!!

i freakin' love this. only in JP! i def don't see this around out here in my fave japanese stores.
it tastes so much like strawberries! REAL strawberry flavor. the scent is just like the real deal too. i haven't stopped using it ever since i opened it up the day i received it.
i got madd love for her and i just have to say.. THANKS L. you're amazing. keep doing what you're doing. i support ya 100%. ;) you inspire me to post up my photography.. still debating if i should.. but it would be nice wouldn't it? glad i've stumbled across ya.. i can go on and on about you.. you're just amazing with a big caring heart.

please check her out.. you're just gonna love her. show some love and support. she def is one of the flyest mamas around. <3

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

L is one of the biggest sweet hearts I know! <3

About Me

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..I'm 28 years young, though I look mighty younger. I'm shy at first but fades after some time. Having a sense of humor is key. Don't have one, get one. You'll need it with me. I'm very interested in fashion and everything that has to do with it. I'm passionate about music! Just living it up day by day, cause tomorrow is never promised. I'm not affraid to say or show how I feel. I am human! DUH! Though I am careful in expressing them, people still tend to find offense either way so really I don't worry much anyways. We all have likes, dislikes and opinions. Take it or leave it.