FootPrints left from around the world

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

for my Readers and followers... ..

i want to say Thank You so so very much to ALL my followers. though 33 (currently) isn't so much compared to other bloggers .. it is more than what i expected and i feel appreciated.

Thank You for your interest in my blog. for the new FrienDships.

i just truly LOVE checking my visitor map tracker and seeing people from all over the world who have come to my blog. ThanK You to my international readers. WOW!!

my anonymous readers, you deserve a Thank You as well.
Thank you for those who have linked my blog to theirs.

also, big THANK YOU to those who have commented on my past blog posts. i EnJoY the feedback.

for my new readers, i hope i spark some interest and maybe you'll follow too?!? if not, thank you for taking the time to read what i have to show.

i know this is sort of a random, out-of-the-blue entry but HEY! i'm a sweet girl, what can i say? i can't help it.
just need to show some love right back.


Halifax @ Sparkled Beauty said...

It is sweet of you to write this post. Would love to subscribe via email if you have a subscription box up. Thanks

eki said...

hi sweets
great post! IM glad to have known you too!!! youre super sweet!

Vanessa M. said...


Jules said...

I love your nail polish! Very cool design. Nice haul! I'm collecting MAC MSFs but right now I'm really thinking of starting a collection their mineralized blushes too. ^_^

About Me

My photo
..I'm 28 years young, though I look mighty younger. I'm shy at first but fades after some time. Having a sense of humor is key. Don't have one, get one. You'll need it with me. I'm very interested in fashion and everything that has to do with it. I'm passionate about music! Just living it up day by day, cause tomorrow is never promised. I'm not affraid to say or show how I feel. I am human! DUH! Though I am careful in expressing them, people still tend to find offense either way so really I don't worry much anyways. We all have likes, dislikes and opinions. Take it or leave it.